Monday 10 April
I’ve done it.
I’ve gone cold turkey.
I was so addicted.
Now, I’ve stopped.
Facebook of course.
I was faffing around on it for hours. Ignoring my kids. Not reading books.
This morning Monday 10 April, 2017, I did it.
I deleted it.
Let’s see how long it takes me to crack.
Tuesday 11 April
Playing a lot of Bubble Witch Saga instead.
Still using FB on my desktop. I manage a Facebook group for local business owners. I am also a member of many others – one is the paid community for the Clever Copywriting School. So I’m not ditching Facebook entirely. That would be madness.
Bubble Witch Saga Level: 134
Wednesday 12 April
Not as bad as I thought. But I am simply playing Bubble Witch Saga 3 instead. So possibly, the problem is not being addressed. Just perhaps. A smidge.
But I really don’t want to delete Bubble Witch Saga 3 (let’s call it BWS3 from now on.) I am on level 135, after all.
BWS3 level: 135
Thursday 13 April
Grrr. I missed out on a copywriting job that suited me perfectly. By the time I saw it on Facebook was too late. All the other talented, clever copywriters had snapped it up. Curses.
BWS3 level: 138
Friday 14 April
No Facebook. I am holding firm. But I miss my Facebook groups, especially The Clever Copywriting Community. I miss my own group, Greater Ashburton Businesses (check it out if you own a business and/or live in the area). Working alone, I am often lonesome. These groups give me a sense of connection and I am missing it. Who knew Facebook was such a positive in my life?
Beginning to realise that Facebook is not a time waster but a business tool. But I still spend too much time doing stupid BuzzFeed quizzes. Maybe I should quit BuzzFeed? Hmm.
Console myself with the Good Friday tradition in our place – fish and chips. The wait time at the local was half an hour… I could have enjoyed serious Facebook frivolity. But I have found a new game. It’s Kami. It’s an origami paper challenge type thingy. It’s impossible to describe but highly addictive. Check it out. But I still love my Bubble Witch.
BWS3 Level: 138
Saturday 15 April
Today I cheated and logged in via Safari. Ohhhh, the bliss of a Saturday morning lie in, scrolling Facebook, ignoring the kids’ pleas for sustenance. Heaven.
My intention was to read several books this Easter. But instead I am killing it on BWS instead. This is not a good choice.
BWS3 Level: 146
Sunday 16 April
Stuff it. I’ve cracked. Facebook is back, praise the heavens.
I’m thinking about deleting BuzzFeed. But without it, how will I determine how knowledgeable I am about Disney Princesses? (The answer is very knowledgeable thank you kindly, BuzzFeed.)
BuzzFeed is my precious.
BWS3 level: 150
Thursday 20 April: Conclusions
I failed year ten science. But I vaguely recall that at the end of science experiment reports, a summary of the findings is customary. So here’s mine:
For me, Facebook is a valuable business tool.
Facebook helps me feel connected with other freelancers and copywriters.
I enjoy scrolling Facebook in between parenting, working, and adulting. I don’t want to give it up (you can’t make me).
By quitting Facebook, I just shifted my poor habit of wasting time on my phone to other apps. I’m not quitting bubble Witch Saga either. I got bored of Kami. But I love Bubble Witch. I know it’s a game, but I get a sense of achievement out of completing the levels. And I like the mindless ‘I don’t have to think about anything’ aspect.
I am simply going to accept that Facebook (and BuzzFeed and BWS3) are my enjoyable guilty pleasures. I now enjoy them guilt free.
BWS3 Level: 163